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Writing Open The Mind
(Andy Couturier)

Brainstorming, Idea generation, and management is swhat "Writing Open The Mind" is all about.  The best writing flows.  It just oozes out from under your pen or onto your keyboard, organizing itself coherent word, sentence, paragraph, chapter, and book structure.  When a writer REALLY writes, truly strikes a mother lode of inspiration, pieces appear to just fall together and outsiders are astonished by the "spontaneity" of it all.  The beauty of writing, however, depends on a writers ability to produce one quality idea after another, ad infinitum.  Creativity is the key.  It is the cornerstone the builders REMEMBERED.  Writing Open the Mind presents novice and expert writers with a vertitable cornucopia of priceless brainstorming techniques.  It''s all about idea generation.  Some books discuss data management.  Writing Open the Mind teaches the dissolution and breakdown of data into previously unnoticed pieces.  The transformation of old word heaps into inspirational goldmines.  At least 11 different techniques are taught.  Although suitable for business and reseach writing, writers of fiction will benefit most from this book.

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