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The Eleventh Hour
(Catherine Coulter)

In the Eleventh Hour, Catherine Coulter delivers devilishly, clever suspense. As the story opens, in of all places a church confessional. A priest is shot dead. The assassin leaves the church not knowing there has been a witness to his crime. From the opening words you care about the priest. He is only in the first few pages, but you find yourself rivited to the character. The witness also grabs your attention. She is a young woman, that you instinctively care about. The killer astounds and scares you, all the while he talks to the priest.  The twin brother of the priest is an FBI agent. His pain at his brother''s senseless murder wraps around your heart. There are the husband and wife agents, Savich and Sherlock, who are the best the FBI has. When they offer their help to find the killer, the chase picks up speed. There is not just one story here, there are several.  The killing itself, the witnesses own dilemma, The Producer, The Actors,The local cops, other murders, and a budding love story all combine to take you on a whirlwind rollercoaster ride.  As soon as you get started on one objective, another slams into view. There is enough action to keep you squirming in your seat, as if you were watching a first rate thriller movie! There are surprises galore and a surprise ending that blows your mind! This would make an excellent movie. There are highs and lows and laughter and tears. This is a must read book! There is passion and intrigue, comedy and pathos and surprises for everyone! Don''t miss this one, its on my A-list!

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