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(William Shakespeare)

''Let me show you who a blackman is'' Shakespeare unknowinly writes in his work Othello.To him,a black man is a fool,a muscle man who has the power but with no brain.He vividly dipicts this in his portrayer of Othello,a black man,a warrior in Venice and Iago,a white man,who devoid of motives,wickedly and brilliantly plots the downfall of Othello.This go a long way to testify that irrespective of status,the whites are always superior.This is wrong.Shakespeare has succeeded not in bringing the beauty of dominance out in his brilliantly written play but in creating the feelings of hatred,the notion that love does not exist in the chemistry of the whites heart.Shakespeare speaks in volumes of racism.He was unable to pinpoint Othello''s crime,hence,we tend to say that hatred is natural.The blackman loves his compatriot,the whiteman but the whiteman despise him.WHY should it be so?The church teach us love,the church was brought by the whites then what happened to the whiteman''s heart?The answer to this question was answered by the great writer himself in his treatment of Desdemona and Othello affair.She fell in love with Othello for who he was and was tricked to kill her for who she was.This shows that women play a vital role in the reasons for blackmen subjugation.

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