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So the man went home, and his wife was standing in front of a large palace.

"See, husband," she said. "Isn\'t this beautiful?" And with that they
went inside together. There were many servants inside, and the walls
were all white, and there were golden chairs and tables in the parlor,
and outside the castle there was a garden and a forest a half mile
long, and there were elk and deer and rabbits, and there were cow and
horse stalls in the yard.

"Oh," said the man, "now we can stay in this beautiful castle and be satisfied."

"We\'ll think about it," said the woman. "Let\'s sleep on it." And with that they went to bed.

The next morning the woman awoke. It was daylight. She poked her
husband in the side with her elbow and said, "Husband, get up. We
should be king over all this land."

"Oh, wife," said the man, "why do you want to be king? I don\'t want to be king."

"Well, I want to be king."

"Oh, wife," said the man, "how can you be king? The flounder won\'t want to do that."

"Husband," said the woman, "Go there immediately. I want to be king."

So the man, saddened because his wife wanted to be king, went back. And
when he arrived at the sea it was dark gray, and the water heaved up
from below. He stood there and said:

Mandje! Mandje! Timpe Te!
Flounder, flounder, in the sea!
My wife, my wife Ilsebill,
Wants not, wants not, what I will

"What does she want then," said the flounder.

"Oh," said the man, "my wife wants to be king."

"Go home. She\'s already king," said the flounder.

Then the man went home, and when he arrived at the palace, there were
so many soldiers, and drums, and trumpets, and his wife was sitting on
a high throne of gold and diamonds, and she was wearing a large golden
crown and on either side of her there stood a line of
maidens-in-waiting, each one a head shorter than the other.

"Oh," said the man, "are you king now?"

"Yes," she said, "I am king."

And after he had looked at her awhile, he said, "It is nice that you are king. Now we don\'t have to wish for anything else."

"No, husband," she said, "I have been king too long. I can\'t stand it
any longer. I am king, but now I would like to become emperor."

"Oh," said the man, "why do you want to become emperor?"

"Husband," she said, "go to the flounder. I want to be emperor."

"Oh, wife," said the man, "he can\'t make you emperor. I can\'t tell him to do that."

"I am king," said the woman, "and you are my husband. Now go there immediately!"

So the man went, and on his way he thought, "This is not going to end
well. To ask to be emperor is shameful. The flounder is going to get
tired of this." With that he arrived at the sea. The water was entirely
black and dense, and a strong wind blew over him that curdled the
water. He stood there and said:

Mandje! Mandje! Timpe Te!
Flounder, flounder, in the sea!
My wife, my wife Ilsebill,
Wants not, wants not, what I will

"What does she want then," said the flounder.

"Oh," he said, "my wife wants to become emperor."

"Go home," said the flounder. "She\'s already emperor."

Then the man went home, and when he arrived, his wife was sitting on a
very high throne made of one piece of gold, and she was wearing a large
golden crown that was two yards high, and guards were standing at her
side, each one smaller than the other, beginning with the largest giant
and ending with the littlest dwarf, who was no larger than my little
finger. Many princes and counts were standing in front of her. The man
went and stood among them and said, "Wife, are you emperor now?"

"Yes," she said, "I am emperor."

"Oh," said the man, taking a good look at her. "Wife, it\'s good that you are emperor."

"Husband," she said. "Why are you standing there? I\'m emperor now, and I want to become pope as well."

"Oh, wife!" said the man. "Why do you want to become pope. There is only one pope in all d," she said, "I want to become pope before the day is done."

"No, wife," he said, "the flounder cannot make you pope. It\'s not good."

"Husband, what nonsense! If he can make me emperor, then he can make me pope as well. Now go there immediately!"

Then the man went, and he felt sick all over, and his knees and legs
were shaking, and the wind was blowing, and the water looked like it
was boiling, and ships, tossing and turning on the waves, were firing
their guns in distress. There was a little blue in the middle of the
sky, but on all sides it had turned red, as in a terrible lightning
storm. Full of despair he stood there and said:

Mandje! Mandje! Timpe Te!
Flounder, flounder, in the sea!
My wife, my wife Ilsebill,
Wants not, wants not, what I will

"What does she want then?" said the flounder.

"Oh," said the man, "my wife wants to become pope."

"Go home," said the flounder. "She\'s already pope."

Then he went home, and when he arrived there, his wife was sitting on a
throne that was two miles high, and she was wearing three large crowns.
She was surrounded with church-like splendor, and at her sides there
were two banks of candles. The largest was as thick and as tall as the
largest tower, down to the smallest kitchen candle. "Wife," said the
man, giving her a good look, "are you pope now?"

"Yes," she said, "I am pope."

"Oh," said the man. "It is good that you are pope. Wife, we can be
satisfied, now that you are pope. There\'s nothing else that you can

"I have to think about that," said the woman. Then they both went to
bed, but she was not satisfied. Her desires would not let her sleep.
She kept thinking what she wanted to become next. Then the sun came up.
"Aha," she thought, as she watched the sunrise through her window.
"Couldn\'t I cause the sun to rise?" Then she became very grim and said
to her husband, "Husband, go back to the flounder. I want to become
like God."

The man, who was still mostly asleep, was so startled that he fell out
of bed. "Oh, wife," he said, "go on as you are and remain pope."

"No," said the woman, tearing open her bodice. "I will not be quiet. I
can\'t stand it when I see the sun and the moon coming up, and I can\'t
cause them to rise. I want to become like God!"

"Oh, wife," said the man. "The flounder can\'t do that. He can make you emperor and pope, but he can\'t do that."

"Husband," she said, looking very gruesome, "I want to become like God. Go to the flounder right now!"

The man trembled with fear at every joint. Outside there was a terrible
storm. Trees and mountains were shaking. The heaven was completely
black, and there was thunder and lightning. In the sea he could see
black waves as high as mountains, and they were capped with white
crowns of foam. He said:

Mandje! Mandje! Timpe Te!
Flounder, flounder, in the sea!
My wife, my wife Ilsebill,
Wants not, wants not, what I will

"What does she want then," said the flounder.

"Oh," he said, "she wants to become like God."

"Go home. She is sitting in her piss pot again."

And they are sitting there even today.  

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