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Flowers In The Attic
(V.C. Andrews)

Flowers in the attic shows to us three capital sins: Murder, Ambition and Incest. The writer V.C. Andrews shapes in his first delivery of impresive series, weaknesses of most of human beings taking it to levels extremely catastrophic, it reveals us also how confidence can be borken at any time, and still more when we deposited this in being that but we loved, woman whose only confidence in itself is in her beauty with four children that becomes a load does not reason the consequences of their acts, mother that hefts the conveniences of maintaining hidden the reality of its life, without concerning the consequences to him since in their thought their actions are justifiable and until noble, to the degree that one feels wounded when the beings to whom she protects judge it by their actions, it is the history of Corrine, but from the eyes of her four children, who not only judge it if not that lives in own meat the consequences of the acts of their mother as well as on her attempt of reinvidicate towards herself, the life of these four children in an attic, triggers a series of facts who is worth the trouble well to find out, and mainly to live with them in its small world, where nothing will bloom like it should be.

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