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Stephen Fry Paperweight
(Stephen Fry)

Over the years, when not wearing his acting, television or novelist trousers, Stephen Fry has written many articles for magazines, newspapers and radio. Collected together in this excellent volume, the reader will find the print debut of Professor Donald Trefusis; a previously undiscovered Sherlock Holmes mystery; discourses on the subjects of piles and critics, and many more witty and incisive articles from the pages of the Listener and the Daily Telegraph.
Over the years, when not wearing his acting, television or novelist trousers, Stephen Fry has written many articles for magazines, newspapers and radio. Collected together in this excellent volume, the reader will find the print debut of Professor Donald Trefusis; a previously undiscovered Sherlock Holmes mystery; discourses on the subjects of piles and critics, and many more witty and incisive articles from the pages of the Listener and the Daily Telegraph.

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