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Feel It To Live It
(youssef johny)

ladies and gentelmens , i go back to the main wich is the prophets and just for the signalation, that these holy prophets that they belong to the kingdom of heaven , their message was more about the world of writing , cause as you know they tought with the pen and the  paper their education, even the kingdom of heaven from their last powerful message , the holy prophet MOUHAMMED (sallah allaho aalayhi wa sallam ), that the kingdom of heaven showed the poeple their reality with the pen and the paper,  so it is the time to think about the generations cause we have to explain that education for them ,  the education that they dont give it at school , and this education has to be expressed from the real feel with short explanation and clear , just to evitate the complication of this world of machine.
so, when youwillbe thinking about the generations , then you will be on the way to heaven , cause every creator on this earth he will be going to heaven , by using the power of the kingdom and not the devil mumeling .
dear readers , this book thatyou are living on this earth is to understand your mission and power in the next levels, and if you do somkething on this earth, maby it comes from the manifestation of too many facts you lived , then it is m ore bonus for your personality, plus this book is showing you the next lives wich is the same nature but the modifications are done by the MAPLE COURT of the kingdom of heaven , there where you will be asked only that question i know: what you understand in your life and even if your angels has the only power4 communication to give the right answer to the kingdom  of heaven, you will  be ordered to say it yourself.

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