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Feel It To Live It
(youssef johny.)

ladies and gentelmens , the believe in the writing made me run the streets with the pen and the paper, the nature, the places where i can find a lot of poeple ,cause there i can work ,or realy alone in a very beautiful nature .

then you can see the poeple around you like they know your sound and they already heared it , this is the power of the pen on the paper , i am sure it happened with a lot of you wise readers, now that power in your world is working , the poeple just need to swallow the picture more intensively to realy believe it as the HOLLYWOOD picture did, this market formed in the 1982 . they had to manage all the talent that existed in the country and  the governement cut helped , you know , still with the hollywood process even there is too many talents over there not explored to hollywood world , maby they hide it , cause the believe of an artist sometimes can be over real and if he is not there so he will be kind of distracted to talk about his inside voice , even with the break of shame from the hollywood picture , nobody can get them cause their invirnoment is so far from the industry, anyway, i respect a lot the HOLLYWOOD picture , cause it brought the joy and the education to the life of the human been with her gods surrounders ,the producers ,this market  belong to them , the feel of kings they   feel it every day when they use their fingers .
my voice is so loud , i can controle the nature , by following the kingdom of heaven sound, so i can raise the pictures and the adventures that i ve seen in my life and i kept it till now , or the time kept it till now, the point is that this picture will not only show HEAVEN to the poeple and open minds , it will guide to the truth of evry single one of us and the world that we living , so for your better days , take that smile from your life and live it.

ladies and gentelmens , produce your ideas to be kings in the MAPLE COURT.
cause we are all angels for a mission , then when you produce your ideas that mean you are getting to touch the angels communication wich is your hidden world and this education , only life show it to the wise, for correcting his mistakes to never be late and for the devrloppment and the shape of the soul , your soul, my soul, any soul.

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