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Grand Finale Part 2

Continuation of Grand finale(pls do give valuable comments abt the story idea)
                                  Meanwhile Abdul is encountered with Jona and Samuel. a fight ensues and Abdul is defeated and about to be killed when Yasin returns with the time machine and saves them both. Yasin cannot go back to the future as he cannot see he cant coexist with his old self. hence Abdul goes back.
                                  enraged Jona and Samuel tries to kill Yasin but are saved by the police and the villains are held captive.
                                  After 17 years Abdul returns to his future. He reaches in a room and finds that it is Grandfather Yasin's room. He find a video chip and he plays. There was a recorded message of the old Yasin explaining to him in detail what is going on. Now Abdul knows that old Yasin knew about the whole timetravel and these things were meant to be.
                                   As Abdul was the talk of the world for the person who grew up in the past.thegovenment decide to take a look at the chip inside Abdul's body. This enrages Se Lebi and what follows is a war between Se lebis's unfinshe army and the worls. But good wins eventually.
                                       Abdul becomesa world hero and sees the old self of his grandfather Yasin for the first time. Yasin is overjoys to reunite with Abdul and tells him he makes him feel like a kid again.
                                   After years Abdul becomes a respected figure in Police . Yasin is in his death bed and Abdul is near him. He tells him how he found his son's love in his grandson and tells him it has been a wonderful life thanks to him. abdul asks Yasin whether he would see him again, for which Yasin answers," Very Soon". He dies
                                      Upon reaching home Abdul finds the young Yasin sitting on his couch. Yasin tells a surprised Abdul that he is the Yasin the year 2020. and days before he recieved a time travel machine  in his backyard asking him to get on it and to timetravel if he wanted to meet Abdul. Abdul realise that it must be the old Yasin who did this. upring why he did this   Abdul recieves a message from a subordinate that we had a big trouble coming up and we have to stop it. Abdul now realise that young Yasin is here to help through this and he can exist in this future as old Yasin is already dead and cremated.      Thus the adventure continues........

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