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Independence Day
(Jim Keeble)

    Jim Keeble is a heartbroken English traveler who has just been rejected by the love of his life after proposing at Niagra Falls. After much soul-searching and many failed attempts to reconcile with the love of his life by way of numerous phone cards, Keeble gradually learns that there are "plenty more fish in the sea" as he revels in the diverse culture of the United States.

    The book is a painfully funny ride across America as Keeble takes you through the bright lights of Vegas, the sun-kissed waters of Florida, and even out onto a mystical lake at a party in Minnesota. He meets many different women along the way and you can clearly identify with the fact that he is desperately searching for a replacement for Angie, the beautiful Canadian who left him broken-hearted at Niagra Falls.

    Many of the encounters Keeble is presented with are a bizarre mix of lust, pain and hilarity which makes for an unusually satisfying read. Not strictly a comedy, not really a drama, more of a day by day account of a young man trying to find himself in a foreign land. Likened to Bill Bryson, due to the fact he has a clear talent for descriptive narrative and an excellent eye for detail, Keeble really drags the reader into the world in which he is experiencing.

    As you follow Keeble on his journey you are drawn to the fact that he does not seem to be having much luck with the women he meets. Sometimes you want to shake him frustratingly, other times you want to hug him and tell him it will be OK. Above all, you want to sympathize with him and one can clearly identify that this is a man prone to spontaneous actions, something that will keep you turning the pages well into the night.

    The book is a fascinating tale of one young man and his quest for inner peace. You can really feel for Keeble and you pray that he will either reunite miraculously with Angie or find some other beauty along the way to mend his shattered heart. The narrative and dialogue flow beautifully and the reader does not have to work hard to absorb the atmosphere Keeble creates.

    All in all, Independence Day (A Broken Heart''s Voyage Around the USA) is a refreshing yet riveting read, a book you will probably find yourself returning to time and time again.

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