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The Gregorian calendar was designed to correct the errors of the Julian calendar.  In 1582, on the advice of astronomers, Pope Gregory XIII corrected the difference between sun and calendar by ordering 10 days dropped from October, the month with fewest Roman Catholic holy days.  The Day that would have been Oct. 5, 1582, became October 15.  This procedure restored the next equinox to its proper date.  To correct the Julian calendar''s error regularly, the pope decreed that February would have an extra day in century years that could be divided by 400, such as 1600 and 2000, but not in others, such as 1700, 1800, and 1900.
In the Gregorian calendar the difference between the calendar and solar years is only about 26 seconds.  This will increase by 0.53 second every hundred years, because the solar Year is gradually growing shorter. 
The Roman Catholic nations of Europe adopted the Gregorian calendar almost immediately.  Various German states kept the Julian calendar until 1700.  Great Britain and the American Colonies changed to the Gregorian calendar in 1752.  Russia did not adopt it until 1918, and Turkey changed to it in 1927.
Calendar reform would simplify the present calendar.  Three proposed calendars have received considerable support.  In each, months and years would begin on the same day of the week and different months would have the same or nearly the same number of days.  The Thirteen-Month Calendar would provide 13 months exactly four weeks long.  The extra month, Sol, would come before July.  A year day placed at the end of the year would belong to no week or month.  Every four years, a leap-year day would be added just before July 1.  The World Calendar and The Perpetual Calendar differ from each other slightly.  But both calendars would have 12 months of 30 or 31 days, a year day at the end of each year, and a leap-year day before July 1 every four years.Write your abstract here.

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- Calender

- History

- Calender

- Calender

- Síndrome De E.m.i.

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