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Living Adventures From American History: Volume 5
(Eye in the Ear Classic Children?s Audio)

This is one of five Parents? Choice Recommended CDs containing Living Adventures from American History. The Life and Times of George Washington: Part 3 is one of three one hour audio books for slightly older children. These three CDs tell the story of the American hero and founding father, George Washington, from his modest beginnings through his efforts in the fight for America during the American Revolution to his part in creating The United States of America. For the full story of this great American, I recommend listening to all three CDs. The Life and Times of George Washington: Part 3 looks at the founding father?s most famous years. This story describes Washington?s concerns following the American Revolution that the newly freed thirteen colonies would gradually become thirteen separate countries. These concerns lead to efforts that brought together these regions into thirteen states to become one democratically ruled county, the beginnings of the United States of America.

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