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Harry Potter

Its been an absolute marvle reading the book.J.K.ROWLING has answered all the questions
which arose in the mind of the reader by reading all the previous HARRY POTTER books.
All the unanswered questions have been answered .She has ended the book in a way that its accepted by all readers and if she want she can also continue with the story.HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS was one of the most awaited book of the year nd ROWLING has not dissappointed . herbook was fast-paced,with flowing language and that irresistable Rowling touch! It not only answers ALL the fans questions but shows how much thought has gone into these books. Reading it is a magical experience. To the fans, well they owe it to themselves to read the book...

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- Harry Potter Series

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- Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix

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