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(Nicolle Pierce)

What happens next:

Natalie was indefinitely in love with him and she believed he was the one. Though he wasn''t really her type, she was destined to find true love. Janet, Natalie''s best friend, was ingaged to the perfect man. Muscular, 6''4, about 185 and amazingly handsome but all in all he was deceiving her of his true inner self.

Trials and tribulations took place and best friends became distant. Natalie was involved in a rebellious relationship turned marriage and she was afraid for her life. Deek, Natalie''s husband, was troubled and confused but knew that Natalie would take care of him. Janet on the other hand was trying to unimagine the truth of her soon to be husband Darren because of his other side never shown before.

Resumos Relacionados

- Natalie Cole

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