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The Black Mask Ii
(Maeve Simons)

Maeve gets out the first aide kit, "Luckily, we have lots of medicine". "Chris leave your brother alone"! - "It?s all right, mom". The baby always knows when we?re hurting or if we?re sad. He cuddles up to Brendan and gives him a big kiss. "Ow, ow, mom don?t put anymore of that stuff on please"! "Bren, I?m sorry but we don?t know what did this to you - I don?t want it to get infected." All three of them are shaking uncontrollably. Damn it what are we going to do - if I only had a car - then there?s a flash to Mary and Joe?s van in the path! "Mom - I?m so scared wha wha what are we going to do?" "We have to try to stay calm, Erin - I know it?s hard". Christopher is jumping up and down laughing. "I wish I was 2 mom - then I wouldn?t care"! - "Me too, Erin me too!" "I wish dad were here - he would know how to save us - what are you going to do Mom!?" "I can?t take this." More guilt - what are we doing to our children - if we were home - they would be playing with their friends having fun - here they?re going to be psychologically damaged for life. I never felt safe up here - We have to do something - the cries were getting louder - and there is scratching at the doors and windows - whatever is out there - there must be at least 10 of them and only 3 and a half of us. - "How?s your leg Brendan"? "It hurts mom". "Do you think you could run on it if you had too?" "I don?t think I could run too fast mom." The only transportation we have besides the boat is roller blades, a tricycle and Erin and Brendan?s bikes. They got them for their birthday?s last year. "Okay, kids, if those "animals" are hungry - lets see if they?ll eat our food instead of us!" "I?ll toss some bread out and if they eat it - we gather up all our food throw it out by the lake and we?ll go out the back door grab the bikes and take off." "It?s our only hope." "Mom, there?s only two bikes and a tricycle." "I?ll carry the baby on your bike, Erin." "Brendan you can ride on the back of Erin?s bike." "Mom, he?s heavy - I?ll take the baby." "Okay - are you sure you?ll be able to carry him and ride at the same time?" "I?m sure mom, I can?t ride with fattie over there". "Oh shut up Erin go braless!" "Oh your so original, fattie". "Knock it off you two - this is no time to be fighting - I need all your cooperation." "Christopher get down - drink your juice." Maeve goes to the breadbox and pulls out a loaf of whole wheat bread - she throws a piece out the door - and hears chomping noises - "Kids they?re eating it. "Start gathering up all our food." They go to the freezer and pull out steaks, chickens, hamburgers, hotdogs, lampchops, pork, etc. "It?s a good thing Dad likes to cook, and we like to eat!" "There?s left over tuna casserole, bread, fruit I have to keep some of this food if we end up riding for awhile." "I?ll carry a backpack with some juice boxes, fruit and cereal bars." "But lets gather everything else." "Let?s throw Brendan out - that will hold them over for awhile." "Erin, cut it out or I?ll throw you out." "Oh, Mom!" "While I?m throwing the food out - Erin you get the bikes ready and the baby." "We have a baby carrier you can use." "Go upstairs into the closet and get it out". "Kids I want you to dress warm." "Put on your heaviest coats". "Erin put Chris in his snowsuit. "We have to think this thoroughly - we have to be prepared." "Put on your thinking caps kids is there anything else we should do?" "What if we have to go to the bathroom?" "Oh yeah, Erin, grab some diapers and wipes, thanks!" "Brendan, as for you there?s plenty of bushes out there!" "What if there?s bears out there mom?". "Erin, that?s the least of our problems right now -maybe the animals will eat them and not us - let?s hope there are some out there!" The scratching gets louder and louder and the crying gets deafening. "We have to hurry - they probably smell all this food." "Brendan, you can help me throw the food - we have to be fast -open up that window and I?ll throw it out this window". They start throwing the food out - the crying ceases after all the food was thrown. "Run, Brendan!" "Hurry Erin start pedaling"! "Christopher it?s okay", hop on Brendan we have to go fast!!!!!" ******************************************** ************************************************************************Come on, Come on someone answer, come on - you?re a police station for Christ?s sake! Zoom in on police station in mountains with a sign saying we?re closed for lunch. All this damn traffic - Please God - I?ve got to make it to the lake - before it?s too late. ******************************************** ************************************************************************As they were pedaling Maeve notices the van - oh my gosh - Mary and Joe!!!! She says to herself. Erin fell off her bike and hurt her ankle. "Mom I can?t go any further the baby is too heavy." "Okay, Okay,". "Mom, there?s Poppy Joe?s van!!!" "Were saved - why didn?t they come to the house - mom why!" "Brendan, I don?t know." "Erin get up - I know it hurts but we have to go" - "Ow ow" "Come here Chris, I?ll carry you." "Everyone run to the van!!!!!!!!!" The van doors were wide open. Luckily it was dark out. I hope and pray Mary and Joe got out of the forest in one piece - but if anything happened???. The kids are already going to need months and months of therapy. "Get in the van everyone!" "Hurry." Maeve jumps in the front seat - the keys are still in the ignition. "Mom, there?s no car seat for Christopher". "Don?t worry Erin hold him in your lap and put the seat belt around both of you." "What about Poppy Joe and Grandma Mary, Mom" said Erin with tears flowing down. "Erin, why is Chris crying?" "He?s not mom". Just then Maeve turns around and sees a shadow looming over Christopher?s head. "KIDS GET OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" All four jumped out of the van. The animal jumped out behind Erin and Christopher. Maeve throws the backpack at him and it viciously attacks it - eating all the food. "Kids get back in - Hurry"! They are all crying hysterically at this point. "Close the doors!" ******************************************** ************************************************************************One ring, two rings, Mountain Top Police. Finally. "You have to help me - my wife and 3 children are up on 6th Lake - on Route 505 - I?m worried about those animals that were on the news." I?m on my way, but I have an hour more to go. "Okay sir, calm down there?s only been two reported deaths of humans". "The animals prefer bear meat." "I understand that, but I need to know my family is safe." "Did you try calling them." "No, they don?t have a phone up there." "Sir, do you realize how dangerous that it is what if?." "Look, I didn?t call to be lectured, can you help me out here". "We?ll get a cruiser over there right away - what did you say the address was?" "It?s Route 505 #641 on 6th Lake." "Let me give you my cell phone number too it?s 333-9399." "Thank you." God damnit - forty-five more minutes! ******************************************** ************************************************************************Please Maeve, stay calm, don?t tense up - go down that elevator, go down that elevator. Years ago I had to go to a hypnotist for fear of public speaking - he used a relaxation technique of a favorite place to think about. Mine happened to be going down the elevator at the Short Hills Mall by A&S. Go down the elevator - this is no time for another panic attack. Just then Maeve turns her head to the passenger side and there?s she sees a shiny, black leathery mask. AAHHHHHHHHHHHHA "What?s the matter mom - mom, mom, mom - what?s the matter with you - Mom!!! Drive the van." "I can?t move kids, just sit put and lock the doors. " "Go mom, go - you have to put yourself together - Drive the van - Mom, mom why aren?t you talking!" Suddenly, the cries start getting louder, and louder. There were a pack of these wild animals coming up to the van. "Mom d

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