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Best Friends
(Jacqueline Wilson)

Written by the children?s unbeatable, award-winning, best-selling author ?Best Friends is another of Jacqueline Wilson achievement. It is a heart-stirring story of girls Alice and Gemma who are best friends since the day they were born. It never seems to matter that their personalities are like chalk and cheese. To Gemma, life is all about having fun! She is lively, energetic, chatterbox, and athletic while Alice is rather serious and grown-up. As Alice is conscientious and values precise reporting Gemma sometimes, twist the facts around to suit her humour. Despite their differences, they split such a bond of friendship that no one can understand. They share every secret. Then one day Gemma finds out that, there?s something Alice isn?t sharing! A secret!
And when Gemma, discovers what it is she is very heart broken and isn?t sure if they can stay best friends forever. Alice is moving to Scotland! And that means the best friends are separating. To Gemma, it is the worst thing that ever happened to her. Alice?s mom is so keyed up about leaving and Gemma thinks it is all her fault; she is the one who wants to untie their companionship. She knows this is the end of their friendship but Alice tries to convince Gemma that they will stay in touch. Should Gemma take action or just wait to see her best friend leave? Comic and fantastic yet sad and superbly imaginative! A story by true children?s writing genius that plays with your mind. Best Friends is a must-read delightfully touching yet entertaining story that illustrates the author?s ability to get to the heart of children?s experiences.

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