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A Russian Roman

Painful heartbreak

In the Russian Roman, the author Emmanuel Carrère narrate a look for and a relation. Emmanuel Carrère we relate his reaseach of familial ghost, his maternal grand father. It?s a opportunity for him to go to futher times in the faraway country of the Great Russian, for gather the testimony of residents. Over there a tragical event arrive. His quest pass also by the reading of letters written his grand father. Altrought this correspondence Emmanuel Carrère discover a man full of ideal, a man out of common, and we can say who he don?t do part of his epoch. This ghost haunt the author and also the story on all the lengh. The think of Emmanuel Carrère are all exposed with a great worry of details. We can say that this think are tormented and even tortured. His relation in first very physical with Sophie are explained and analysed with details.They live and love without belong to same world. The society such as she present prevent it of embellishement in the durable relation. All the people say that. They could transforme the tentative and do all for that to be concretize. But Sophie has also an other man, an other love in her life. A love more conventional, more sure. Sophie can?t and wan?t give his heart only to one man. The author imagine a script very original for show his love to Sophie. The real make the execution of script and it?s here who begin the difficulties. If we understand well, we see that this Roman relate the relation in the time, the human relationship, the link between the reel and the imaginary and of the pain of separation. Emmanuel Carrère conduct us in an authentic whirl of desire, of obession, of erotism and of fear.

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