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(Christopher Paolini)

Eragon, the first in Inheritance trilogy, is a fantastic work of fiction. Eragon tells the story of a young farm boy (Eragon) whose life changes upon finding of a mysterious blue stone. From discovering the secret of the blue stone to become a warrior, the transformation of Eragon is mind boggling. Eragon becomes a dragon rider, first in a century and join forces with Varden to take on the mighty king Gallobatrix and Durza, the sorcerer. The portrayal of the relationship between Eragon and his dragon, Saphira, is charismatic to say the least. The story line is strong, the history part seems quite sturdy, although later books will decide how much, but on a whole a good attempt. And not to forget the author was nineteen when the book came out. Turning to cons, Christopher Paolini may weave great stories but he is definitely not a story teller. The storyline strong as it is, is just not presented right. The readers lose grip and tend to skip excerpts and pages as the book becomes heavy and tedious. The story pauses and takes too many unneeded detours. Christopher Paolini has a lot of growing up to do if he wants to be in the league of JK Rowling and JR Tolkein, and perhaps even that wont be enough.

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- Eragon

- Eragon

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