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(gregory roberts)

Shantaram" is one of the most inspiring books that I read in recent times.It shakes you up from your safe,cozy,cocconed and protective world and makes you realise that there is a vibrant,violent world out there where a living breathing person has actually lived in the slums of a so called modern city,has done illegal business but never for once makes you feel that he is a criminal, has fought a guerilla war alongside seasoned tribal warriors, has survived brutal torture in prisons and has been a drug addict-by choice and has the guts and sheer willpower to kick the habbit-again by choice.Most importantly through all his vast experiences, that you are almost living with him,you are always-always on his side.You smile at his efforts to be "Indian", you applaud his decision to live in the slum and you are proud of his dedication to the people suffering and living there.You respect his conscience which guides him through the trials,tribulations and the difficult choices that he has to make.You respect him for sticking by his friends through and thick and thin and you admire his guts,courage and humility.

At the end of the book, you are in love with " Shantaram Kishanrao Kharre"...and rightly so.

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