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Harry Potter And The Philosopher''s Stone
(J.K. Rowling)

A book that will no doubt survive anything. The parents of the main
character- Harry, Lily and James Potter die murdered by a powerful
killing curse, cast by a dark wizard, Lord Voldemort. The spell was
also cast at Harry, who lives. The curse rebounds of the boy and hits
Voldemort, who disappears. Harry survives without almost any harm apart
from a lighting shaped scar on his forehead. The wizards decided that
young Potter is left at the doorstep of the house of his only living
relatives- The Muggle Family of the Dursleys. His new family bosses him
around for 10 years. On the day of his eleventh birthday Harry is told
that he is a wizard and that he will attend the elite school of
witchcraft and wizardry- Hogwarts. First he thinks that its a joke, but
the giant Hagrid at last convinces him.They go to London to Diagon
Alley, where he first meets other wizards.The fantastic world of magic
attracts us. The other volumes are also very good.I strongly recommend

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- Harry Potter And The Philosoher's (sorcerer's) Stone

- Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone

- Harry Potter And The Philosopher Stone

- Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone

- Harry Potter And The Philosophers Stone

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