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11 Minutes
(Paulo Coelho)

Love, Love and one more time love. This is a thing which never makes us bored but one day love could be gone. We still wonder why something that beatiful just goes away.
Sex- for some of us is just something extra to add to life, for the others Sex is a moment of wonderful rapture, something holy and something incredible. Pepole get bored of everything, life, love and of course sex. When we taste it and we know that we can get it whenever we want to it becomes a normal daily ritual of eleven minutes. Most of a time we know pain and suffering just from the one side. It has associations with tears, grit one''s teeth but never with pleasure. Does pain, physical sufferings and fear can bring pleasure?
Mary - young, beatiful Brazilian girl became convinced about it. In her teens she persuade what means to please herself and experience bliss feeling of orgasm. Her extreme beauty draw attention of many boys and men. They didn''t focus on what she''s thinking or who she is. She was a machine. Her dreams have come true. Fortune gave her a chance to go to Switzerland but it wasn''t what she was dreaming of. Reality was different. To have money for food and place to stay she has to become a prostitute. You think it''s over? No...
She experinced delight from suffering and fear. It''s like fairy story. Prostitute falls in love. But is she loved? We never really know what will happen but it dipends form us if we''ll be happy.
"Axis around which the world turns it''s hardly 11minutes" 

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