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Harry Potter And The Philosopher Stone
(j.k rowlings)

harry potter was a young skinny boy with baggy clothes and broken glasses.He lived with his aunt petunia,uncle vernor and cousin dudley.It was like a cindrella story for young harry who has to do all the house hold works .In return , get some food ,cupboard under the stairs to live and old clothes of his cousin.According to his aunt and uncle,his parents died in a car crash because of which he had a scar like lightening on his forehead.But what he remember was only a jet of green light and a women scream.On his eleventh birthday,a giant named hagrid came to his rescue .He told him that he was a wizard and his parents {lily and james} were murdered by the powerful wizard of that time lord voldemort .but when he tried to kill harry ,the spell backfired and Voldemort was destroyed .Most People believed that Voldemort''s Terror mania had been finished but the big wizards still had a terror in mind that he is still out there somewhere.Harry potter joined Hogwarts the school of witch craft and wizardry .He befriends ronald weasley a.k.a Ron and hermione granger.Like friend he also made enemies like draco malfoy and his team.surprisingly he got choosen for quidditch team as a seeker and writes the history as the youngest seeker of hogwarts.He also learns that james and lily were in hogwarts too when they were young .Harry''s father was the best seeker of hogwarts .Children accidentally learn about the philosopher stone which belong to Mr.Nicolas flamel .Harry and his friends thought that their potion master,Snape wanted to steal it .They informed the depty head mistress and head of gryfindor house,professor minerva mcgonagall but she told them to stay out from Hogwarts private thing .In quidditch first match,Harry hardly narrowed death and got the snitch .Harry potter and his friends decided to get the stone back or protect it themselves .Because of which they end up in a deadly battle with Mr.Quirrell not snape .Harry once again defeated Voldemort in weak form who had taken place in Quirrell''s body .At last,harry also helps his house to win the house cup and returns to his uncle''s house .Next year he will return again to school!

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- Harry Potter And The Philosoper''s Stone

- Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone

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