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Reflections In The Nile
(Suzanne Frank)

 Imagine that you, a contemporary tourist, are standing awestruck in an ancient Egyptian temple. Suddenly a vortex in time an space sends you back thousands of years to a desert kingdom of glittering splendor. Your body has merged with that of a scheming, beautiful priestess, yet your sensibilities, your intelligence, your terror remains that of a modern woman who is trying to get back home, trying, in this place of strangeness and wonder, to stay alive... 
Set in the decadent Egypt of the woman pharaoh Hatshepsut, this stunning novel portrays Dallas artist Chloe Kingsley on an unforgettable journey. A twist in time has plunged her into a world of deadly politics and dark secrets that culminates with the chaos and terror of the biblical Exodus...and challenges a modern woman to fight for her love, her beliefs, and her true destiny.

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Passei.com.br | Biografias


