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Hermione Granger(short Description)
(Nenu Adrian)

Hermione Granger is a good frend of Harry and its the smartest girl at Hogwarts.She helped Harry many times in his adventures and even in classes but she is in anytime fighthing with Ron like when Hermione''s cat wanted to eat Ron''s rat but Ron saved the rat and started to fight with Hermione.But the other 2 frends are be dead without Hermione because she saved them many times like when they wanted to take the Filozofal Stone.But she also help Harry and Ron to be frends again when they fight because the 3Wizard Contest because Ron thinks that Harry founds a way to enter in the contest and dont wants to tel him also (Harry dosent tell Ron thinks Ron)

Resumos Relacionados

- Harry Potter And The Philosoper''s Stone

- Harry Potter And The Prisioner Of Askaban

- Harry Potter Book 5

- Harry Potter Book 5

- Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone

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