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Snap Happy
(Fiona Walker)


                                  what will happen if a stand up comedian and a serious guy will share a flat for short span of time, and what if they will not only share the flat but share one anothers body?
                               Finally! A Fiona Walker heroine who's got some fire in her belly! Juno is a stand up comedian with a squeezebox and an overactive imagination. Unlike the characters in Fiona Walkers previous books Juno is short and plump and couldn't be mistaken for a supermodel by any stretch of the imagination. She is also the first of Walkers heroines to really stand up for herself and try to take control of the situations she finds herself in even if she usually, infuriatingly, gets it wrong.

The story centres around Juno and her new American flatmate, Jay. The two spend a madly passionate weekend together but then, although they fancy each other madly, they can't actually get it together. I have to say that I didn't empathise with Juno quite as much as I would have like to, but this is an enjoyable read nevertheless. juno thought that jay was a criminal, making her life in real danger. and after sometime he slowly knew who the real jay is.
Jay thought that he is the long lost son of a super star because of the coincidence that happend on the day of his birth. he was abandoned by his parents on an airplane where the said super star was booked to.

In the end both of them realized that they really love each other and shouldnt let the opportunity to pass them by.

Snap Happy isn't Fiona Walkers best book. It starts very slowly and builds very nicely. By halfway through I was absolutely spellbound, however, I couldn't help but feel that it ends just a little disappointingly. Even so, I did thoroughly enjoy this book and would recommend it to Romance fans everywhere.

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