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Nothing Last Forever
(Sidney Sheldon)

The year was 1990, a time when female doctors are seldom heard. This story revolves around three female doctors. Dr. Paige Taylor, a talented doctor who fights her way to make everyone see how she can be a good doctor and a female as well. Dr. Kat Hunter, a good black doctor who vows never to let any man touch her and Dr. Honey Taft who will do whatever it takes to be a doctor because of her family''s expectations.

All of them receive the distrust of patients, discrimination and everyday pressure of being a doctor. Everything will be put to the test once they step inside Embarcadero County Hospital. . .

Resumos Relacionados

- The Deaf Friend

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- The Doctor Despite Himself

- Errors That The Doctors Can Commit

- When Mind Is Alright No Medicine You Need

Passei.com.br | Biografias


