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History Of The French Litterature : Movement, Fashion, Manifest

I/ The romantic heros, individual of the lost generation. The end of XVIII century and the begin of XIX century are strongly marked by the authors production of royalist emigration. The work is placed under sign of king ego, a self suffering to be birth like we can constat it with the caracter of Rene in the Chateaubriant romance.

The heros is in prey to ?the unsupportable diffult to be?. The ramantical heros make of emotion a priority on intellectualy and bring all his attention on this intimacy felling. He is marked by a wistful consciousness, the feeling of don?t have his place in the world : he delight in the sadness and the dream more than in action and the lucidity. 
This aspirations turn from the well-being but without social consideration : he act for him only for can support the life. Renée also that Wether in the suffering of young to Goethe, testify of one suffering to live and of one listlessness of relief proper to Romanticism. The caracter of Emma in Madam Bovary of Flaubert is the romantic heroine ironical : his research of feelings and his standing deception of the reality done her a romantic heroine, who placed in the context of realist writing, do appearly all the pathetic of romantic fervour.

The romantic hero is equally a lonely individual, which have the sensation to be understood and who look for refuge within of the nature (Rene in the indien forest) proper to create the landscapes to engage in soul-searching, subtle application the mouvments of soul to nature forms. He must to have a bound to display of romantic hero : the wild nature for René , the dismal country for Emma.

The lonely and the failure caractezise the romantic hero : he is despaired by the waiting and non-existence of one relievely , by unability to adapt in the world or adapt this world to his awaiting. Note that the flight and the secret are often the avatars of the failure of romantic hero. This hero is irreparably alone, his anguish don?t find no issue. Réné have flought the break family, while that Emma diserted by his lover and must hiden his adultery. 
Despite a apperance of total opposition so at level of the technic narrative than of subject, the breaking between the romantic story and realist isn?t also definite that we could believe it. Madam Bovary for instance is the history of romantic heroine relate of mean realist by the author say ?romantic? par excellence.

Of even Stendhal allies the rebound the love theme and nobility of soul but in keeping a lucidity and ironicly style proper to realism : the breaking between the twice movement hold less of the author style than the incarnation by the hero of the culture to one epoch.

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