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Php 5 - User Manual

Hello everybody, here is an abstract of a great manual I got to read lately.
This book, the manual, was written by Steve Holtsner and was published in 2005.
 It speaks of the web designing and web programming with the use of PHP 5, starting from the PHP basics and then rises the level up to a discussion about cookies, sessions, ftp, emails etc.
The manual explains how to use PHP with different OS such as Windows platforms and Unix. Also the book teaches the correct use of operators and flow control, the use of strings and arrays. Later the book gives examples of the functions used in PHP in order to fit the browser and the set of the HTML tags and other scripts to one another.
There is also abject oriented programming with the use of PHP 5 and a detailed explanation on how to handle files from a remote server. Next the book explains the use of databases and PHP with the use of detailed examples on a MySQL database.
The author of the book, Steve Holtsner, is a well known web programmed who used PHP and many other languages. In addition to being the editor of PC Magazine, he published more then 88 books all around the world and which were translated into 18 languages.

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