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The Scarlet Pimpernel
(Baronesse Orczy)

Baronesse Orczy was born in Hungary, but she obtained her successes after moving to England. The scarlet pimpernel is a british lord, who saved lots of french aristocrats during the big french revoution. In this romantic story, Percy Blakeney, the pimpernel falls for Marguerite St-Just, a free and revolutionary minded french actress. She becames his wife, while she doesnt know anything about her husbands secret life. She thinks he is nice and gentle, but a bit annoying man, while he is saving the people in gesguise, in the biggest danger. When at the end she descovers his secret, he will be the most respectful in her eyes. This adventurous story was a success any time it was adapted to film. It is just a little bit politic, it only condemnes the abuses of terror, and glorifies those qualities like patiency, helpfulness and noble heart.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Scarlet Pimpernel

- Le Pimpernelle Rouge

- Henry V

- Les Mis?rables

- Le Mahabharat'a De 'vyasa

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