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Penguin Parade In Phillip Park At Near To Melbourne


The Penguin Park George Bass discovered the island in 1798, and the first governor of this island, Captain Arthur Phillip, named this island. Phillip Island is 90 minutes drive from Melbourne. To see the penguin parade at the nature Park of Phillip Island is an amazing experience and it brings human and the animal world to the closest encounters in a natural surrounding. Phillip Island is one of the most popular wild life destinations in the world and it is winner of many ecotourism awards. It is really a beautiful experience to watch penguin from so near with their babies. It is also amazing to listen their calls for their babies and other penguins. As the sun dips and soft light of the evening washes over the beach, penguins come in riding the waves of the sea. Once on the beach, we can see them to meet their hungry kids. They are cute nonetheless. They are little penguins and the smallest variety of the spices. They are also called as fairy or blue penguin. Little penguin is only 16 to 17 inches tall and their weight is just about one kilogram. They have indigo-blue and slate-grey colour feathers, so they known as blue penguin. There are two sub types of penguins, one is the little or fairy penguin and the other is white flipper penguin. They prefer to stay in the warm water off southern Australia and New Zealand. They hunt small fish. Penguins'' squid in the shallow waters to close the sea shore during the whole day and after a night sleep they are back in the water at next day. The nature park authorized demolished the buildings and built burrows and other facilities for the penguins so they can live more peacefully. Annually, some around 6, 00,000 visitors come to visit the Phillip park and they can watch the birds from close and also walk with them. Some times they try to find their nests also. Phillip Island is not only about penguins but you can see the lovable Koalas, a native animal in this park. There are opportunities to learn more about the Koala''s lifestyle and their habits. There is a wonderful tour for wild life lovers and for the others; this is not-to-be-missed tour. Write your abstract here.

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