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A Christmas Carol
(Charles Dickens)

Ebenezer Scrooge, the main hero in the novel, after his partner''s (Jakub Marley''s) death, he steal worked in partner firm "Scrooge & Marley" without changing the name. Seven years later, in Christmas Eve, Scrooge was working at office. He getrided of his nephew, who had want to invite uncle for solemn diner. Even so he was very rich man, he turned away carollers raising for poors. Scrooge told his assistant that he don''t pay for public holidays and he was, like usually, unkind to him. After homecoming our hero noticed strange thing - his dead partner was appeared in the middle on his room. Cadaver was telling about his terrible destiny. Defunct foretelled three next ghosts. An hour later appeared the first - ghost of eve''s past. He reminds to niggard village of his childhood, glorious Christmas Eve with his sister, great time with friends, and finally the separation with bride, which leave him becouse of his love to money. The second spook shows him Christmas Eve at present: poor, but wonderful treat in his employee''s house. There Scrooge is seeing ill worker''s son, who soon will die. The last ghost is the ghost of future - who show him mourning in his employee''s home after small son''s grave, anh in the end, he see his own death, very humilitating, single and hateful. After that he wake up in Christmas morning and decide to not waste this hollidays. He is changing his life.

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