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Near Sherlock
(conan doyle)

-the speckled band-
The unhappy young lady of the nineteenth century called Hellen reached Sherlock Holmes´flat to confide him his troubles.
The fear to be killed by her stepfather pursued her and her hair was grey when she wasn´t 30 yet.
Her dear sister Julian had been killed and nobody knew how.
The fact was that when some young man wanted to marry the daughters of the family, they were in danger.
Her sister Julia had died in her arms , so now that she , Hellen, had a fiancé, she might be assassinated too.
Her stepfather , who became a widower,should pay the girls 125 pounds when they married, so S.Holmes understood it was a problem of money and of and unescrupulous violent man.
This stepfather had wild animals in his garden, so he used some snake, to bite the victim he chose. In this case a bell rope near the girl´s bed was enough to commit the crimes, but of course his trick failed this time because Hellen was taken to another room by Sherlock Holmes, and the speckled band = the snake, bit him.

Resumos Relacionados

- The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes

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- The Hound Of The Baskervilles

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- The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes

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