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Alice In Wonderland
(Lewis Caroll)

The Second chapter of Alice in Wonderland subtitled "The Caucas Race" speaks of the Race that was to be done as a way to Dry the animals which had drenched in Alice''s tears .The race can be equated to modern day Boatd or trustees meetings which are intended to sort out issues .The Caucas race was a race which none of the animals understood and in addition there was no start or ending because ''each one started when it felt like starting and stopped when it felt like stopping".In the end the animals had to declare that the race had ended and that every one of them had won.They also ended up giving prizes to each other .Such is the fate of entities with uninformed directors who spent time going round in circles over issues that they do not understand and in the end declare success which is then capped by generous sitting allowance.This is the end of the writing race.

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