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Society Of The Dead Poets
(Valente, Nelson)

Society of the Dead Poets (*) Valente, Nelson  The school is worried in teaching, and not in making the pupil to learn to think. The arrival of Keating professor to the boarding school moved with the structures of the institution, based on the principles of the tradition-honor-discipline-excellency. Although former-pupil of the Welton School, Keating professed a said style revolutionary, in its lessons of English literature and in the relationship considered to its disciples. The result is easy to imagine. This is the central tram of the film Society of the Died Poets, directed for Peter Weir, and that he was one of the awardees with the Oscar of the Academy of Cinema of Hollywood. The scenes if pass in 1959 and place in evidence the conflicts between the express conservadorismo for the direction exerted for the anglicano Nolan and the young master, whom the 1812 enter in the classroom assoviando, for astonishment of its engravatados pupils. Soon later, it orders to pull out leves of Introduction to the Poetry, of Pritchard, under the allegation of that it was a surpassed text. Keating, interpreted for the excellent Robin Willians, allows that its pupils go up in the tables, plays soccer, with them, stimulates Neil to be actor, opposing the authoritarian father, that remove it of the school, threatening it with a military academy: - You do not have nothing that to think, leaves that it makes it for you! Pressured and overwhelming, suicidal Neil if, with the gun of the father. She was one of the scenes strongest of this film of highest quality. It is questioned until where the paternal authority must go, shocking itself with the vocation of the son, this supported by the comprehensive professor and friend. After the suicide, the family of Neil processes the school, making responsible it for the shunting line of the young adolescente.E is clearly that the guilt falls again on Keating, for who the true education is the one that induces the individual to choose what it likes, what is inside of itself, and not what it is tax. Therefore, it makes of the Latin legend carpe diem (it uses to advantage the day) its permanent motto. When necessary, the lessons were given in the patio of the school, with strong sensitization of the pupil for the object of the study, without passing for the teorização. Pedagogical histories on education and methods, in general, produce works of little appeal popular. It was not what it happened with Dead Poets Society. Its international success sample, above and everything, an incredible interest for the relations between authoritarianism and freedom, parents and children, colleagues between itself. By the way, the son focuses, in strong contours, the figure of the Cameron delator, one lourinho subserviente, that the dear professor of the group criticized, for its excesses of liberality. He was it who counted to the direction what he transferred himself in classroom. Keating is banishes from Welton, Nolan retakes its lessons and it inside makes it of the style conservative of always. When Keating enters in the room to apanhar its belongings, in a scene valued for the music of Maurice Jarre, some of the pupils, more fond reacts to its exit. They go up to the table, in a solidarity gesture, while Keating if comove, arriving at the tears. The director esbraveja, protests, but the attitude of the young is stronger - and is what he is of the message inlaid in this masterpiece of the cinema contemporary. The immortal professor and of the Brazilian Academy of Letters, Arnaldo Niskier, says: - It is a film that must be seen and be argued by the Brazilian educators, to which if it recommends attention for what it represents in terms of modern education. * he is university professor, journalist and writer

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