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Good Tourist Place
(Raghottama Koppar)

If you know Indian Mythology, you can remember Hiranya Kasipu- King asked his son Bhaktha Prahalada where is your Sriman Narayana , Instantly without even battering an eyelid Prahalada told GOD is Present everywhere. then Hiranya Kasipu asked whether he is there in this pillar, Prahalada told yes. To protect his  Bhakta''s word Our Lord emerged from the pillar in Narasimha Avatara and did Samhara of Hiranya Kasipu Now after drawing a parallel instance now we are taking to a Kshetra where Lord Narasimha is present in the tree , yes God is omni present, Yes this Sacred place is KOPPAR in R aichur district of Karnataka. In Karnataka itself lot of Narasimha temples are there but the one at Koppar is rare  and one and only of its kind . This temple is situated in in picturesque serene atmosphere amidst of river Krishna . Koppar is 64.5 Kms from Raichur a Railway Junction on South Western Railways.
Sthala Purana:
The scene is 5th century , spot is thick jungle on Banks of river Krishna a descendent of sage Brighu Maha Rishi ( Due to him only we got Lord Srinivasa amongst us in Thirupathi). Sage Karpara is doing Agora Tapasya. Our Karuna Moorthy Lord Lakshmi Narasimha appeared before him and showered his blessings of supreme Knowledge and and also granted him lots of boon. Then also told him henceforth this place will be known as Karpara Sri Narasimha Kshetram and it will attract lot of Devotees.
Now we take you still further to 9th century . S don?t miss to visit this cool and pleasant place

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