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Rich Dad Poor Dad
(Robert Kiyosaki)

They say money can't buy you love, but securtiy and lifestyle upkeep tend to bill a pretty hefty fee. Do you know enough about money's interworkings to cover that bill and insure some leftover for a movie and popcorn later on? The first question that most people will fail to ask is; How much do I really know about money? Most will never be financially litterate enough to know how to be wealthy or rich or even what the difference betweeen the two is. There just dosen't seem to be a casual flow of information relative to financial literacy or obtainment of assets. Robert Kiyosaki offers this information offers both, and more.Kiyosaki, grew up prviliged enough to have a father figure willing and knowing enough to give an enthusiastic body check in the right direction. Robert spins his tale of growing up and growing wealth by contrasting two sets of advice he recieve througout his life from two very different men. "Rich dad" as Kiyosaki refers to him throughout the book, is the guiding light that made sure Robert knew to always play it smart, instead of plaing it safe. While Poor Dad's views reflect the societal standards that are constatly, and mindlessly regurgitated and passed down. Kiyosaki uses Poor Dads unknowingly narrow views as a comparison to the average of society, and the dangers of falling into the black hole that the masses create. Robert explains that fear of financial instabillity is what sheppards the lemmings of our time to fall into this black hole, and that avoiding it is simply a question of prespective and self fortification through expansion of financial literacy. Kiyosaki exposes the very achievable opportunities that the average person does not see or know to look for, or are otherwise to afraid to consider. These investments are simply chances for your money to work for you, and they're are passed up willingly every day  for fear of loss and regret.With all the matchstick men and ever abundant market fluctuations out there it's hard to decipher what safe or reliable ways a person can store or plant their hard earned money. Kiyosaki does not offer any 'get rich quick' schemes, or to the contrary a 'play it safe' approach (nor does he condemn it). Instead he offers guidance. He points in the general direction of freedom from your current restraints caused by the once horded secrets of the upper class. Guidance that will continue to benefit you through your worst red ledger days and back again. For as they say, knowing is half the battle, and after reading this book you should be well underway to the completion of first half of your finacially secure lifestyle.

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