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A Shadow On The Glass
(Ian Irvine)

This is less an abstract and more a public health warning!

I had looked at this author on the shelf for years while I read authors like Steven Erikson and George RR Martin over and over again. Convinced that it was time for a change. (By the way I discovered Erikson by just taking a chance and I am almost his biggest fan next to himself). Being a fantasy writer and knowing how hard it is to get in I perhaps naively assumed that anyone published in such quantity would be a good author.

I was wrong (clearly)

It took no more than twenty pages to realise that Irvine cannot write in the same league as the aforementioned authors, or perhaps anyone else I have ever read. He breaks all the rules of writing: 1. Don''t data dump at any stage for any reason, 2. Show don''t tell, 3. Make sure you actually have a story worth telling before you waste your time writing it. Then again on the third criterion I might have to reassess because obviously someone thought he was worth publishing.

The lack of quality, the cliches, the rediculously bland, boring and utterly frustrating characters forced me to throw down this book after 150 pages.

This book actually made me angry as recently my own manuscript went to third base with Harper Collins before being rejected on the basis of being like someone else just published. It pisses me off that shizer like this gets the go. I am not trying to claim that my writing is in the league of Erikson or Martin either but it is a damnsite better than this drivel.

This is not even worth reading on the bus to work.

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