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The Zahir
(Paulo Coehlo)


Thanks for giving me a platform to launch my passion for writing. I would like to submit herewith my abstract regarding a book that deeply affected me and completely floored me.
The Zahir by Paulo Coelho is not just a book, it is life. Each and every page is filled with life in this book. It is about the author's search for his wife, who, abruptly vanished from his life one day. Zahir in Islamic means "something that you can't take your thoughts off". The author has depicted his feelings in such a touching way, that its very hard to just dismiss this book and get on with the next.
Though you finish reading this book, the words, thoughts and feelings expressed in this book keep on lingering in your mind long afterwards. There were some brilliant thoughts in this book. I would like to quote a few of them:
"Things which are important in our life never go away from us. All those things that went away from us, are the ones that only we thought were important, but were actually not"
"True friends appear in happy moments of our life as well. Those that appear to be at our side only during our troubled times are the ones who are trying to impress us by their support. Its only the genuine ones that are with us to see our smile too"
Readers can personally relate themselves to the book, that is the secret of the book's popularity. The book  makes you emotional, you cry, but the irony is though your eyes shed tears, your lips automatically curve into a smile thinking of how well the whole subject is scripted.
The book has been written with so much of passion and that's one main reason for aspiring authors to read the book. Hundreds of books may be read, but the memory of this one will always be etched evergreen in me. No other book has had such an impact on me, and I doubt, if any other book would do in the future.

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