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Banner In The Sky
(Ullman, James Ramsey)

Banner in the Sky Author : James Ramsey Ullman Published by : Harper Collins Publisher Copyright, Number of Pages : 1954 by James Ramsey Ullman, 285 pages ISBN : 0-06-447048-2 Genre : Adventure ?Rudi Matt has a dream - A dream to touch the sky.? Everyone wants to be someone unique when they grow up, and so do I. A professional tennis player ? that?s my goal. With all my family?s support, good tennis coaching, and determination, I have a great chance of achieving my goal. But did Rudi Matt have that chance? Without the support of his family, and only determination, sixteen year old Rudi Matt wanted to climb the only yet-to-be conquered peak in the Swiss Alps called the Citadel. This was his father?s and his dream. But his father, Josef Matt died while climbing the Citadel, and so, his mother and uncle did not want him to climb the mountain because they thought they would lose him like his father. One of the strengths of the book is that it clearly shows the characterization of its main character, Rudi. Rudi has strong determination to make his dream come true. He sets an inspiring example to other children to follow their dream. For example, in Chapter 6 - ?Master and Pupil?, Rudi undergoes tough training to make him capable to climb mountains. This shows that he is determined and anxious to climb the Citadel. Chapter 6 alone was a reminder for me to give the training my all during my tennis lessons. Even during the lessons, I remind myself of Rudi Matt?s willpower, and I force myself to train harder. And I can tell you one thing ? it works! There were surprises in the story that helped my interest peak. For example, on page 97, Chapter 7 - ?A Prisoner Escapes,? Rudi decides to escape right under his mother?s nose at midnight to climb the Citadel. He did this even though his mother and uncle had denied him the permission to climb the mountain. This event in the book made my interest peak, because Rudi made a sudden decision to chase his dream. Excitement was one of the key factors that made this book an unforgettable one. In chapter 7 the level of stimulation went up as Rudi decided to go for his dream of climbing the Citadel. As I couldn?t wait to find out what happened next, my eyes were kept glued to the book. The book has certainly kept the readers excited with the thrilling events that take place in it. I would recommend this book to people of all ages who enjoy reading about overcoming challenges. Rudi Matt, even if he was fictional, has truly inspired me, and taught me that even when faced with failures, your determination can help you become successful. Rukun Goel

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