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Ark Angel
(Horowitz, Anthony)

Author : Anthony Horowitz
Published by : Penguin Group
Copyright : 2006, Anthony Horowitz
No. of Pages : 326 pgs
ISBN : 0-399-24152-3
Genre : Thriller/Adventure
?Fasten your seatbelts! It?s time for another Alex Rider adventure!? Have you ever tried to be a spy? I?ve tried and I can tell you one thing, it?s never worked out for me. Forget being a spy as good as James Bond and hiding from international criminals, I can?t even go around my house, keeping out of sight from my family! Some people might think it?s kind of silly to go around being a spy, but for me, there is a unique Thrill to it. It?s not the thrill that you can get on roller coasters or in a horror movie, but the thrill you get from having the skill to be invisible from everyone around you!
Well, if I can?t be a spy, I can definitely share the experiences of the 14 year old spy, Alex Rider in the book, Ark Angel. In the book, Alex is off to rescue a boy called Paul Drevin, the son of one of the richest men in the world, Nikolai Drevin. Paul has been kidnapped by the world?s most dangerous terrorist group, who call themselves the ?Force Three?. This is just the start of what is going to be Alex Rider?s most dangerous adventure.
One of the things that engrossed me in this book is the characterization of Alex Rider. Alex is a talented, young spy. He is about the most perfect spy that you can find, just like any young boy?s dream. But would you believe it, Alex Rider, does not want to be a spy! He wants to lead a normal teenager?s life. To give you an example, in chapter 13 - ?The Biggest Criminal in the World?, Alex is forced to spy on a criminal for the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency of America). In this chapter it shows that Alex is not willing to spy.
There were surprises in the book that helped to peak my interest. For example, on page 155, chapter 11 ? ?Blue Murder?, Alex is captured by a terrorist whom he calls ?Steel Watch?. Alex is being followed by Steel Watch and he has a gun. They both have just come out from a soccer match. Alex knows that he needs to escape. While reading this chapter I was very inquisitive to find out how Alex would get out of this situation. Anthony Horowitz?s descriptive style kept me on edge all through the book. Every move of the character was so vivid; it was like watching a thriller or horror movie at its climax and getting the queasy feeling in my stomach. Let me share some of it with you. Alex spotted a drunken supporter whose team had just lost the match. Alex caused a distraction by provoking the supporter. He showed his middle finger to the supporter in order to do this. His plan worked, the supporter got angry. He tried to punch Alex, but Alex dodged the blow and instead it hit Steel Watch. This caused enough distraction for Alex to get away from Steel Watch. I did not expect Alex to escape by using this tactic. This unexpected twist in the book increased my interest. I would recommend this book to people who want to read the most thrilling Adventure ever. I think this book is great because it gave me thrills and sent shivers down my spine and that is what adventures are all about! This book review was written by 11 year old Rukun Goel.

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