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My Soul

                     MY SOUL

I love you as much as all the stars''number
And allthe roses''
I take a fancy to you
Without any reason
Without any introduction
You are my distraction
Your love is etched on my heart
You are my madness
I am devoured by your love
You are the truth
All the truth
You clear the way gor me
And now i can hit the target fair and square
And go on
You are the time
You are the space
You are the life
All the life
Within you,I know who is that ''I''
And i take my bearings
Without your love,I am a jarden without roses
I miss you
In each pace
In each moment
In each breath
In each sigh
With you i breath again
All the pains sooth
All the angers appease
My SOUL relaxes
My senses calm
And my heart become alive again
In your eyes'' world
My eyes distract
And never be tired
Because in that world
I find what I am seeking for
What I am eager for
I find love there
I find peace
I find bless
My dire need in you is more than
The mother'' s to her lost baby
The night'' s to the moon
The immigrant'' s to his mother land
You are my envy
A diamond beyond compare
I am enjoying life in the fast lane.

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