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(a.p. anther)

Archaeology is the scientific study of the remains of past human cultures.  Archaeologists investigate the lives of early people by studying the objects those people left behind.  Such objects include buildings, artwork, tools, bones, and pottery.  Archaeologists may make exciting discoveries, such as a tomb filled with gold or the ruins of a magnificent temple in the midst of a jungle.  However, the discovery of a few stone tools or particles of hardened grain may reveal even more about early people.  Discovering what people ate thousands of years ago makes archaeologists realize that people in the past led ordinary lives, with many similarities to our lives today.  Everything that archaeologists investigate, from the most magnificent building to the tiniest pollen grain, helps them to form a picture of ancient societies. 
Archaeological research is the chief method available for learning about societies that existed before the invention of writing about 5,500 years ago.  It also provides an important supplement to our knowledge of ancient societies that left written records.  In the Americas, Archaeology is considered a branch of anthropology, the scientific study of humanity and human culture.  European archaeologists, however, think of their work as most closely related to the field of history.  Archaeology differs from history in that historians mainly study the lives of people as recorded in writtenWrite your abstract here.

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