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The Writer''s Little Helper
(James V. Smith, Jr.)

The Writer?s Little Helper by James V. Smith, Jr. is the book everybody needs on the way to getting their book published. With 246 pages, this book gives anybody all they need to know in creating memorable characters, expanding creativity, revising work, and even attracting the right agents and audiences. The lessons are carried out with exercises and lists of suggestions for future novelists to work with. The best lessons are taught in characters as the author reminds you that the character is not just a character but also a person who?s life events the reader wants to see through. It?s obvious from the colorful design of the book that the author knows how to keep a reader?s attention with sections divided by colors. Readers may find themselves flipping through the pages in order to see what colors they will be reading in the next sections. Even if somebody forgets a section there is a checklist that wraps everything up as well as an index at the very last pages. Don?t be surprised if you find yourself throwing away your other writing books because this one is all you need.

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