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Evolution Not Revolution
(John R. Logon)

Abstract: Evolution NOT Revolution is an excellent book showing pathway to the top mangers and technology experts how and why should they align emerging technologies with corporate strategies to increase market value .It is particularly relevant for developing global initiatives and enduring business alliances. The book emphasizes on teamwork concept for evolving cost-efficient business solutions. The author has quoted number of successful stories to stress on need to adopt disciplined and progressive change of any business process rather than any radical change.   The book is indeed a read map for leveraging benefits of emerging technologies and management techniques by aligning these with corporate indicatives. The author has dispelled the myth that information systems are overhead cost to the company and has very convincingly explained how correct and timely availability of right information to the right user can ensure speedy and correct decision making. Thus information systems, which are correctly designed, well maintained and efficiently operated will act as a force multiplier and make you a winner in this highly competitive global market warfare.  Infarct it is the ability of top management to look far ahead in planning of business and acquiring related technologies in a holistic manner. One should not pick low cost technology off the shelf since that may be cheaper to meet immediate needs but that may not provide scalable business solution to support future business alliances / expansions   The author has laid special stress that management should not look for part-solution or optimizing productivity of one department rather they must ensure an  integrated approach where all departments have interdependence, sharing of resources, knowledge and experience so that entire organization functions as an enterprise and there is win- win situation for all and whole organization gains.   In today?s highly competitive business scenario, one must keep focus of one?s core competencies and avoid distraction of acquiring additional facilities which can be otherwise hired/outsourced. There is an urgent need to recruit highly competent manpower and retrain / up skill them further and retain them for longer duration so that each one of them is motivated and a great solution provider.  There is no shortcut to experience and therefore lessons learned in every project / job/service should be systematically kept in the database for reference to save on time, cost and effort for future palming and executing of similar/near similar projects/jobs.   The author  has special emphasis on Emagineering which in simple worlds is ability to imagine, apply right  technology/management techniques and judiciously deploy available resources to meet organizational goals. For this , you got to know where you are now and where you want to be and in what time frame. As a senior management you need to trust their subordinates, encourage them to experiment their ideas and come out with innovation solutions rather forcing procedures of assembly- line working.  Research and development has always cost and risk associated with it but to be world class company, you need to invest in research work else you will soon be a  follower instead of leader or pace-setter.   Remember that a good company does not optimize a process at the cost of the customer?s delight. Instead they develop long term relationship with their customers and provide them not just what they required as per agreed specifications but rather beyond that to cater for their expectations.  We are working in an era of knowledge and uncertainty where good leadership and transparency ensure commitment/motivation. There is need to fully exploit   Supply-Chain-Management (SCM), Customer Relation Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) like technologies. This is particularly important for Multinational Companies ( Macs) The author has brilliantly brought out the need for initiating constructive destruction of older technologies. equipment  and facilities and to systematically replace those with newer ones so that you remain current and maintain cutting edge in highly competitive market. It is the  in-house  competency which will ensure that you stay ahead of completion and techno- marketing. Let your action speak louder than your words.

By Dr Sarbjit Singh, PhD
[email protected]


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