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Swimming Techniques - Iii

The basic "catch" of the water is not nearly as critical as the above items. Most swimmers simply grab water with their hand flat, or the fingers slightly spread, and then draw it smoothly down their body. None of the above techniques require improved strength. With strength training, the hands and feet can be extended further into the water, gaining more propulsion. For beginners, increased strength brings only small improvements if the above strategies (minimising drag and lengthening water-line) are not optimal.
Another technique that can help an athlete swim at a higher performance level is proper breathing techniques. Breathing correctly can make you swim faster and make it harder for you to be fatigued. Competitive swimmers take in one breath and gradually let it out over three to four strokes. As the race progresses and the swimmer becomes tired, less oxygen from those breaths reach his muscles. You can practice and teach your body how to run on less than normal levels of oxygen. Take a deep breath at one side of a pool, submerge yourself fully, and kick like a dolphin. Try to simulate a torpedo. Try crossing the pool with one breath, and once you can do that extend the distance. Another way you can practice endurance is by taking a breath and letting it out over six strokes (while freestyle swimming).
Skeletal animation and computational fluid dynamics allow simulation of swimmers. This allows to quantify forces on joints and muscles, and, if multiple simulations are employed, to compare different styles or individuals. By means of computer graphics or motion capture the simulation can be compared to real swimmers. While this removes many doubts, it is still guess work needed to create new styles, it is a didactic challenge to formulate a manual for swimmers, and the feel of the water is still needed to close a control loop so that the swimming styles does not drift away afterwards

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