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The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People
(Stephen R. Covey)

Abstract:The seven habits of highly effective people is a must read book for all planners, mangers and senior executives who want to change their personal life and master the art of effective management of human resources. The author has presented a holistic approach for development of personality, skills, initiative, team spirit and sense of accomplishment among employees. The focus remains on providing best work environment, incentives, appreciation, dignity of work, and care for employees to get the best out of them. The book is indeed a road map for crating an environment of trust, friendship, loyalty, job security, fair-deal, willing co-operation and commitment for meeting deadlines. By so doing, it is always possible to stretch people beyond their limit to get an extra bit and achieve organization goals.   While stressing on well being of  people, he emphasizes on quality of every product/service which one offers to the customer. It is the quality which will delight the customer who will in turn be your marketing ambassador. Stephen R Covey , has also stressed on interdependence of people, teams, groups and departments . The transparency  within an organization  ensures  fair dealing,  mutual respect, harmony and dedication.  Remember your peers and subordinates always know what you are. Hence you must take responsibility of  your actions and give spontaneous credit to whom it is due. Thus it is very  important how one behaves with others than to worry how others behave with him/her. Indeed our life is the product of our values not our feelings and therefore our life is the product of our decisions not our conditions/demands. The author has explained impact of   body, mind and sprit on  human  relationships.
The author has very aptly brought out that change is the essence in today?s business world of uncertainty and senior management must learn to cope with it.  For this, focus has to be on training, caring empowering and rewarding people The managers/ administrators need to be proactive using   creativity, innovation and improvisation coupled with commonsense approach .He has also explained that interdependence brings synergy and  is of  a higher value than independence. In business world, a win-win situation ensures enduring relationship and speedy growth.   The book is more like a structured presentation which shows a diagrammatic view of contents at the beginning of every chapter to provide concise idea of what he/she is going to read ahead.  To create more impact on the mind of the reader the author has given very appropriate quotations of great personalities at the beginning of each habit. In the end, the author has provided a table of how you may perceive other around you. This book very extraordinary as it has drawn real life lessons from  rich experience of many people of divers fields .The books is unique in many ways and it has helped  millions of men/women across the globe to transform their lives giving a new meaning, a new purpose and a road map to succeed in every walk of life.

By Dr Sarbjit Singh, PhD
[email protected]




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