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Of Human Bondage
(William Somerset Maugham)

This story is a deep analysis of life?s journey through the eyes of Philip Carey, an orphan, as William Somerset Maugham himself was. From very early on the central character offers a ready connection and sympathy, as his journey inevitably begins without the benefit of materialism and only through a profound humble honesty does Maugham narrate such reality, with exceptional expressive skill, seemingly attributable and exclusive to the passionate authors of the time.      The plot matures gracefully from childhood to adult in a mind expanding process that visits the varying perceptions of knowledge and character growth that a child experiences, from pet hates to career choices, there exists a mind blowing personal account spanning over fifty years. Unique to this tale, I feel, are that all transitions receive equal in-depth examination by the author and a true blossom of the characters? choice to peruse vastly different careers over his lifetime is especially noteworthy.    The pages file out universal truths and wisdom and  speaking personally as only one could after such insight, I found in it one of the deepest soul-lingering experiences I have ever had the privilege to read - expressed with professional eloquence- it entrenches the sordid truths of the heart, capturing the beauty and tragedy of life both common and extraordinary.     The autobiographical element by Somerset Maugham gives Philip the sympathy of ailment, the compassion of cruelty, and the absolute right of criticism- artfully aimed at the world- in both affluence and poverty. It is a literal and didactic study of art, brimming with human feeling, emotion and soul.    Recommended as a read in humbleness to anybody, yet in particular, the artist, as it accommodates the greatest of works, very high reaches and deep sadness mingle it the first real captivating find among the arts for me at least.     It comes then as no surprise to learn that some classify it as Somerset Maugham?s masterpiece and there?s little wonder of its status as a classic.

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