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(Azumi Sunsuke)

One day, while I was traveling along a small Greek town, I
met two other travelers who were talking about witchcraft and magic. The
subject attracted me and I wanted to learn more about it since I believed that
anyone who knew about witchcraft would be very powerful. When I reached my
destination, I visited my uncle, who allowed me to stay at his house during the


?Your uncle?s wife is a witch. You?d better be very careful
because if you displease her, she?ll put a spell on you,? a maid advised me.


Instead of being afraid, I was very excited. This was my
golden opportunity to learn more about witchcraft. In order to let me watch my
aunt at work with her spells, I begged the maid. After some persuasion, she
agreed. One evening, I was allowed to peep through a hole in the door and I saw
that my aunt drank a spoon of potion. A couple minutes later, her skin began to
change slowly. With feathers, wings, claws and s sharp beak, my aunt turned
into an EAGLE!!! She flew out from the house and vanished in the dark night.


Like my aunt, I wanted the freedom to fly over hills and
buildings. So, I begged the maid again to steal the magic potion and finally,
she agreed. At once, I drank it when I got the potion. Gradually, I felt myself
changing. To my great horror, it was the wrong potion and I had turned into ??
an ugly DONKEY!!!


?How can I turn into a donkey? I want to be an eagle,? I
said fearfully.


?I must have stolen the wrong potion. Don?t worry, I?ll cure
you of this the next morning,? the maid explained.


I had no choice. Reluctantly, I stayed in the stable with
the other animals that were nasty to me so that nobody will be suspicious.
While I was waiting for morning to come, two thieves broke into my uncle?s
house and stole the valuables, as they could not carry the things by
themselves, they put it on my back and took me along with them. Fearing of my
life, I used all my strength to break away from them and ran away. I ran and
ran as fast as I could until I was exhausted and I stopped to rest by a river.


Seeing s full moon, I began to pray to the moon goddess,
hoping that she would help me to turn me back into a human again or hoping that
all of this just was a nightmare. Then, I fell asleep. When I came to myself, I
saw a charming beautiful woman standing before me. She was the moon goddess!!!
Taking pity on me, she offered me some roses and I chewed them. A split second
later, I was a man again. Gratefully, I knelt before her and she vanished into
the air.


Thank God, I did not give up my hope and tried to end my
life. However, I regretted that I was greedy for power and I will not forget
the lesson that I had learnt.

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