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Knave''s Topical Bible - A Digest Of The Holy Scriptures: 1st Installation
(Orville J. Knave)

by Parvusvox
Title: Knave''s Topical Bible - a Digest of the Holy Scriptures: 1st installation
by: Orville J. Knave
Published by:  Topical Bible Publishing Company
               Lincoln, Nebraska, 1904
The results of this effort became the U S Army Chaplain''s pre-WW I ministerial reference book...There is a definite hierarchy to modes and mediums of print. The first literature or story telling was an oratory art form but then the ancients probably wanted them preserved for posterity so they wrote at least one line summations known as Aphorisms. As such, they are more easily stored and retrieved. Until the Greeks extended the Humanties the story tellers perfected their one line records. Presently many books include their own indexes. The Bible is not such a record accept for this separate treatment by Mr. Knave. Now we also have one, or a few, line Indexes. We have several line abstracts, slightly longer summaries, slightly longer by-lines, slightly longer essays, slightly longer white-papers, slightly longer short stories, slightly longer serials, and slightly Novels. When it just gets too much to read you go to indexes to focus on just what peeks your attention. This the main value of the Mr. Knave''s book. Bibles'' do not come with indexes but this book is just such a thing for The King James Version. I suppose Inquisitors would have burned the author at the stake for such an edition, but to me it makes perfect sense.

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