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The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
(Robin Sharma)

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari- Robin Sharma
A book on spiritual discovery through a few day to day life style changes so as to put a speed check on the modern fast paced living. Sharma does this through the gripping revelation of a man who conquered himself and gained more happiness , peace and health compared to his prior so called ?successful and celebrity? lifestyle. The story uses symbols to help anyone remember and understand the tips to better living.
In the seventh chapter, Sharma reveals the strength of the mind with such a punch that hose rooted in the monotonous tardy rat-race of life is instantly shaken to wake-up and do a cleansing act on their system.
It is a free flow of not just motivational but a treasure trove of one goody after another coming to you as though on a conveyor belt.
One ?escape-route? after another is opened for the troubled mind with so much ease. It also explores the paradox in life of having to follow dreams and the ideology of simple living.

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